Temps d'Educació
2n semestre 2013
  • Consell Editorial:
  • Antoni Sans (director de l’Institut de Ciències de l’Educació); Anna Escofet (degana de la Facultat de Pedagogia); Albert Batalla (degà de la Facultat de Formació del Professorat); Gemma Fonrodona (vicerectora d’Estudiants i Política Lingüística); Manel Viader (vicerector de Política Docent)

  • Direcció:
  • Conrad Vilanou (Universitat de Barcelona)

  • Cap de Redacció:
  • Enric Prats (Universitat de Barcelona)

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    Dipòsit legal: B-23.289-2012
    ISSN: 2014-7627

Estudis i recerques
Jordi Carcasó i Díaz 

Francesc de Paula Mirabent (1888-1952) was one of the most important aesthetes in the post-war period in Spain, as his writings and publications show. However, the unpublished text discussed in this paper does not address aesthetics, but the author’s view of cultural diversity, which he presented to the Institut International de Philosophie in Paris. It is the perspective of a philosopher who has become disillusioned with the main ideologies and who finds a way to counteract tyranny and oppression in the defence and value of the individual. In some of his contributions, particularly his reappraisal of emotional aspects of the individual, we can recognise innovative concepts that are still present in current education. Furthermore, the fact that the text was in French and presented in Paris in 1948 gave Mirabent the necessary freedom to write without constraints, and to keep the text from being catalogued with his works in Spain.
Keywords: Mirabent, cultural diversity, philosophy, individual, Franco regime

Reception date: 12/09/2013
Acceptance date: 02/12/2013