Temps d'Educació
1r semestre 2019
  • Consell editorial:
  • Xavier Triadó (director de l’Institut de Desenvolupament Professional–ICE), Mercedes Gracenea (cap de la Secció de Publicacions), Roser Boix (degana de la Facultat d’Educació), Mercè Puig Rodríguez-Escalona (vicerectora d’Estudiants i Política Lingüística), Amelia Díaz Álvarez (vicerectora de Docència i Ordenació Acadèmica)

  • Direcció:
  • Conrad Vilanou (Universitat de Barcelona)

  • Cap de Redacció:
  • Enric Prats (Universitat de Barcelona)

  • Compaginació i correcció de textos:
  • Cristian Frutos, Judit Sabido, Patrícia Adan i Serveis Lingüístics de la UB

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    Temps d’Educació realitza una avaluació dels articles pel sistema de doble cec per pars. La revista està indexada a RACÓ, CBUC (Universitats de Catalunya), Ulrich (Pro Quest), In-Recs (Universidad de Granada), CARHUS (Generalitat de Catalunya), ISOC (CSIC), Dialnet (Universidad de la Rioja), Latindex (UNAM, Mèxic), ERIH (European Science Foundation), Francis-Inist (CNRS), Sociological Abstracts (Pro Quest, Bathesda), OEI (Estados Iberoamericanos), DICE (CSIC), MIAR (UB), RESH (CCHS) i REDINET (MECD).

    Dipòsit legal: B-23.289-2012
    ISSN: 2014-7627

Reflexions i assaigs
Anna Roura Ballell, Mireia Martí Soria 

Since the academic year 1998-1999, the city of Banyoles has been creating the conditions to ensure equal and inclusive education in its schools through an educational equity programme called the “Pla d’Escolarització Extensiva”. Based on the four principles of consensus, planning, awareness and resourcing, the programme has helped schools create more heterogeneous class groups and achieve school desegregation, making Banyoles one of the municipalities in Catalonia with the lowest rate of school segregation. The “Pla” was originally launched thanks to the agreement between the city’s institutions and school centres combined with the support of the Catalan government’s Ministry of Education. Twenty years later it has become a basic tool for educational planning that has made inclusive education a reality for students with specific educational needs across all the municipality and promotes equal opportunities in access to the city’s school centres. The key elements in this success are the programme’s preventive and predictive mechanisms, which were already an important part of its initial development, and the coordinated work of its members during the last twenty years. As a member of the International Association of Educating Cities, Banyoles strives to provide an adequate level of social inclusion and cohesion for all its citizens and the “Pla d’Escolarització Extensiva” has played a key role in achieving this, making it a valuable object of study.
Keywords: Balanced schooling, school segregation, social cohesion, educational planning, city agreement

Reception date: 01/03/2019
Acceptance date: 15/05/2019