Temps d'Educació
1r semestre 2018
  • Consell editorial:
  • Xavier Triadó (director de l’Institut de Desenvolupament Professional–ICE), Roser Boix (degana de la Facultat d’Educació), Mercè Puig Rodríguez-Escalona (vicerectora d’Estudiants i Política Lingüística), Amelia Díaz Álvarez (vicerectora de Docència i Ordenació Acadèmica)

  • Direcció:
  • Conrad Vilanou (Universitat de Barcelona)

  • Cap de Redacció:
  • Enric Prats (Universitat de Barcelona)

  • Compaginació i correcció de textos:
  • Cristian Frutos, Ana María Guillamón, Judit Sabido i Serveis Lingüístics de la UB

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    Temps d’Educació realitza una avaluació dels articles pel sistema de doble cec per pars. La revista està indexada a RACD , CBUC (Universitats de Catalunya), Ulrich (Pro Quest), In-Recs (Universidad de Granada), CARHUS (Generalitat de Catalunya), ISOC (CSIC), Dialnet (Universidad de la Rioja), Latindex (UNAM, Mèxic), ERIH (European Science Foundation), Francis-Inist (CNRS), DOAJ (Open Access), Sociological Abstracts (Pro Quest, Bathesda), OEI (Estados Iberoamericanos), DICE (CSIC), MIAR (UB), RESH (CCHS) i REDINET (MECD).

    Dipòsit legal: B-23.289-2012
    ISSN: 2014-7627

Reflexions i assaigs
Gemma París, Penny Hay 

This paper examines projects that create stable synergies among artists, cultural institutions and schools in the form of creative environments that enable permanent contact with artistic processes, provide a different way to interact with the world and construct thought, and thereby offer more significant learning opportunities to children. The study focuses on a UK action research organisation known as 5x5x5=creativity, which analyses the impact of the arts in education through the creation of collaborative projects involving schools, artists, cultural institutions, community organisations, local authorities and families. The organisation gives everyone who takes part a fresh look at creativity, empowering them with a critical and creative understanding of their own scope of action, while also encouraging them to reflect upon the processes involved in teaching and learning.
Keywords: Creativity, creative learning, art, school, artist, collaborative learning, cultural institutions, education

Reception date: 03/04/2018
Acceptance date: 31/05/2018