BELLS 13 Autumn 2004
Enric Monforte
Comité Científico
/ Advisory Board:
Isabel Alonso
Cristina Alsina
Rodrigo Andrés
Mireia Aragay
Susan Ballyn
Geoff Belligoi
Àngels Carabí
Kathleen Firth
Rosa González
Jacqueline Hurtley
Gemma López
Ana Moya
Bill Phillips
Teresa Requena
Pilar Zozaya
Isabel Alonso Breto
Carolina Fernández Rodríguez
Paloma Fresno Calleja
Cristina Garrigós González
Pau Gilabert Barberà
Mehrad Golkhosravi
Jefferson Holdridge
Laura Mª Lojo Rodríguez
María Losada Friend
Marisol Morales Ladrón
Ana Moya Gutiérrez
Pedro Javier Pardo García
Bill Phillips
Eulalia Piñero Gil
Elizabeth Russell
Rafael Vélez Núñez
Table of contents
Barcelona English Language and Literature Studies is a journal published once a year by the English Section of the Department of English and German at the University of Barcelona. It caters for an academic audience and welcomes scholarly articles on all areas of English studies, as well as reviews, interviews. creative writing and reports on conferences and other academic events. Each issue is devoted to a specific topic within the Literature, Film and Culture and the Language and Linguistics areas respectively.
Nature and Format of
the Articles
Barcelona English Language and Literature
Studies welcomes articles in Catalan, English and Spanish. All articles
submitted should follow the guidelines of the Bells Style Sheet. All articles, including a 100-200 word abstract in English, must be sent electronically as an e-mail attachment (preferably Word for PC). Three anonymous print-outs
of the article should be included. Personal data must go on a separate
sheet. Articles should be sent to the corresponding editor at: Bells.
Department de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya, Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes
585, 08007 Barcelona.
For reasons beyond our control Brendan Fleming’s “Re-Gendering the Nation:
Representations of Ireland and the Figure of the New Woman in George Moore’s
A Drama in Muslin and George Meredith’s Diana of the Crossways”, published in
BELLS 11 (IASIL’99-Barcelona), did not carry the dedication the author wished to
include. The article should have been preceded by the following:
In memory of Sofía Rodríguez Torres.
ISSN: 1697-1612
Pilar Zozaya
Esther Álvarez
Joseph Hilferty
Enric Monforte
Published by:
Secció d'Anglès
Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya