Abriu: estudos de textualidade do Brasil, Galicia e Portugal, 10 (eBook)
Matèria: Literatura
Format: PDF
Pàgines: 315
ISSN: 2014-8534
Data d’edició: 2021
Formats disponibles:
. Preu 13,32 €

Abriu: estudos de textualidade do Brasil, Galicia e Portugal, 10 (eBook)
Jessica Falconi (ed.)
Volume 10 of Abriu, the journal of Galician and Portuguese Studies at the Universitat de Barcelona and the Cátedra José Saramago / CLP Instituto Camões, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, opens with a monograph dedicated to “Beyond Nation: Other ‘Declensions’ in African Literatures”, which includes six approaches to the evolution of the national perspective in the studies of Lusophone African Literatures from the 1980s to the present. The “Miscellany” section includes works on Rosalía de Castro, Annette Meakin, Lúzia Romão and Lupe Gómez, and the new tendencies in the portuguese Literary festivals. The section “Open Space” rescues the galician version of seven poems of “Lírica inglesa” published by Ramón Cabanillas and some documents of the censorship in 1975 about Sempre en Galiza by Castelao. The “Reviews” section includes notes on recent books of Chus Pato, José Rui Teixeira, on Iberian Studies and Catalonia, and on a translation of Clarice Lispector into Catalan.
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