Report on Social Responsibility 2017-2018 (eBook)
Matèria: Publicacions institucionals
Format: PDF
Pàgines: 201
ISBN: 978-84-9168-364-3
Data d’edició: 2019

Report on Social Responsibility 2017-2018 (eBook)
Oficina de Control Intern, Riscos i Responsabilitat Social
The Report on Social Responsibility gives an account of the University of Barcelona’s main activities in relation to our ethical commitments and social responsibilities during the academic year 2017-2018. In its pages, readers will find comprehensive data on the UB, including the most important information on our management ethics, our responsibility to students and to staff, our impact on society and the economy, and our commitment to improve the natural environment, among other matters. It shows that the University of Barcelona is a leading institution not only as a consequence of the quality of our teaching and research, but also because of our firm belief in making a positive impact on the environment through the activities that we carry out.
Dos campus d'excel·lència internacional