Dialectologia, special issue VI. Revista electrònica
Matèria: Filologia
Format: PDF
Pàgines: 275
ISSN: 2013-2247
Data d’edició: 2016

Dialectologia, special issue VI. Revista electrònica
M. Pilar Perea Sabater i Gotzon Aurrekoetxea Olabarri
The aim of the journal Dialectologia is to join the experiences of researchers working in different fields of Dialectology (linguistic variation, geolinguistics, methodology, synchronic and diachronic dialectal data, new technologies, social dialectology, etc). It is a double-blind external peer-reviewed journal, published twice yearly, that complies with the norms of the Spanish Foundation for the Science and Technology (FECYT). Each issue publishes 4/5 articles related to a specific subject. It includes also book reviews and news about congresses, meetings and recent publications.
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