Abriu: estudos de textualidade do Brasil, Galicia e Portugal, 13 (eBook)
María Xesús Lama López (ed.)
Volume 13 of Abriu, journal of the Department of Galician and Portuguese Studies at the University of Barcelona, opens with a monograph on “The poetic and the political today: social conflict and dialogisms (Galicia and Portugal)”. The studies collected in it exemplify key lines of inquiry from the project "Contemporary Poetry and Politics: Social Conflicts and Poetic Dialogisms" (POEPOLIT II, 2019-2024) on Galician and Portuguese literatures. As a result of contemporary poetry's strong alignment with political and public discourse, the studies presented include examples that make evident references to conflicts driven by neoliberal economic structures, the logic and control of the state, the regulation of information and the body, heteropatriarchy, cultural and linguistic differences, animal ethics and the exploitation of other species, resource extraction, and questions of identity, social, communal, or interpersonal relations, as well as affective dynamics. Despite their cultural, generational, and stylistic differences, the texts examined collectively represent a significant array of contemporary poetics and poetry of resistance. The "Miscellany" section includes studies on the fictional representation of returnees in Portugal, the itineraries of towns marginalised for sexual reasons, science fiction in Brazilian youth literature and the relationship between music and identity in Galicia. Taking into account the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April, the "Open Space" section gathers reflections and witnesses from different points of view, both inside and outside Portugal and from different generations: Walter Hugo Mãe, Maria de Lourdes Pereira, Rui Teixeira, Perfecto Quadrado and Isabel Soler.