Abriu: estudos de textualidade do Brasil, Galicia e Portugal, 7
José Colmeiro (ed.)
Volume 7 of Abriu, the journal of the Department of Galician and Portuguese Studies at the University of Barcelona, opens with a monograph on “Glocal Galicia: Redefining Galician Culture in the Global Age”, and includes contributions from specialists from universities in New Zealand and the United States. The papers analyze recent documentary production on diverse topics, such as Lois Patiño, digital heritage, the Disneyfication of Santiago de Compostela, and the fictionalization of a queer, transnational Galician identity in Mario Regueira. The “Miscellany” section includes pieces on the Second Spanish Republic and the Spanish Civil War in Hispanophobic Portuguese nationalism, and the poetry of Carlos Drummond de Andrade. It is concluded by works on the unpublished correspondence between Rafael Dieste and María Zambrano, contemporary art in a novel by Ricardo Lisias, and a discussion of Emma Ríos as an author of graphic novels. The “Reviews” section collates notes on Portuguese to Catalan translations, the biography of Rosalía de Castro by M. X. Lama, and a book by Colmeiro on Galician culture in globalization.