Winter 2022
Number 28

Table of contents

Forthcoming papers

«¿Variación diatópica o variación basada en el contacto? La realización del objeto pronominal de persona en traducciones medievales de las Heroidas de Ovidio» (Santiago Del Rey Quesada, Universidad de Sevilla)

«Morpho-phonological adaptation of French borrowing in the Algerian Arabic dialect» (Amina Benabadji & Nassim Mohammed, University of Tlemcen)

«Acoustic analysis of an Acehnese dialect: Pidienese oral monophthong vowels» (Yunisrina Qismullah Yusuf et al., Universitas Sykiah Kuala, Indonesia)

«‘Human’: Linguistic Studies in the Emergence and Oral Communication of a Concept» (Fee Haase)

«‘To be able to’ in modern west Iranian languages: introducing a modal clause» (Sepideh Koohkan & Tarbiyat Modares University and University of Antwerp)

«Áreas léxicas del español de Cantabria» (Jaime Peña, Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

«Mental Representation of English Past Tense Morphology by Jordanian EFL Students: A Dual Mechanism Analysis» (Sabri AlShboul, The Hashemite University, Jordan)

«Marcación diferencial de objeto y referencialidad en quichua santiagueño» (Mayra Juanatey, Universidad de Buenos Aires)

«Mandioca brava in southeast Brazil from data of the Atlas Linguistic project of Brazil – ALiB» (Walter Romano, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brasil)

«The designation of ‘dawn’ in the libero-romance area: a geolexical and cognitive approach» (Carolina Julià and Joan Torruella, UNED, UAB)

«The argot used by clothing merchant in Tehran» (Marzie Azimi, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran)

«La fricativa labiodental sonora en el español rioplatense: un caso de énfasis contrastivo (Martín Testa, University of Warsaw, Poland)

«The Traces of Dialectal Distribution of Javanese Language and Its Implications for Ciamis-Dialect Sundanese Language (West Java, Indonesia): A Geolinguistic Study" (Nani Darmayanti et al., Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia)

«Categorización temporal y distancia prosódica en el español de Canarias» (Josefa Dorta, Universidad de La Laguna)

«Echo-reduplication, light verbs and compound verbs in hindi-urdu: point of difference or sameness» (Praveen Singh, Indian Institute of Technology Madras)

«The emergence of the rural/urban opposition in Arabic spoken language» (Magdalena Al-Sayadi, Kazimierz Wielki University)

«El apéndice comprobativo ¿verdad? En el español de la ciudad de México. Un estudio sociopragmático» (Josaphat enrique Guillen, Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia, México)

«Four Letter Word in Hindi: A Study of Taboo in Sacred Games» (Amitabh Vikram Dwivedi, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra)

«Exploring a Kuwaiti English Pidgin within Kuwaiti households: a sociolinguistic investigation» (Hanan Taqi, CBE Kuwait)

«Broken plural in Jordanian Arabic: Constraint-based evidence from loanwords adaptation» (Bassil Mashaqba, The Hashemite University, Zarqa-Jordan)

«De sintaxis, interjecciones y onomatopeyas rotenses» (Gabriel Sanz Casanovas, Sociedad Lingüística Aragonesa)

«The agricultural lexis of the border village of Medana (The Goriška Brda region, Western Sovenia) from the point of view of the Slavic-romance language contact» (Danila Zuljan Kumar, Institute of Slovenian Language Fran Ramovš)

«Tautosyllabic vowel nasalization in the Portuguese of São Tomé» (Amanda Macedo Balduino & Gabriel Antunes de Araujo, University of Macau/ Universidade de São Paulo)

«Tone Operation in Sáb?`?´ and Ò?kò Dialects of Yorùbá» (Wale Rafiu & Sekinat Opeyemi BUSARI, University of Ilorin, Nigeria)

«A Structural Analysis of Punchi Proverbs» (Ayushi & Amitabh Vikram Dwivedi) Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University

«Possible Gender Differences in the Use of Lexical Hedges in Spoken Colloquial Arabic among Saudi Male and Female Young Adults in Riyadh» (Nouf Aldweesh & Suha Alharbi, King Saud University)

«Morphological Verb Features of Jooshani Dialect of Persian» (Muhammad Attarzadeh & Rahimeh Roohparvar (University of Applied Science and Technology, Shahid Bahonar University, Iran)

«Corruption-induced idioms and idiomatic expressions in Yoru`ba´ literar and routine communication: a stylistic approach» (Dayo?` A`ka`nmu´ & Francis Ye?de´, Nigeria)

«Corpus de textos notariales extremeños (CORTENEX S. XVII). La edición de un corpus histórico-lingüístico en el ámbito de las humanidades digitales» (Inmaculada González Sopeña, Universidad de Granada)

«The use of Arabic colloquial varieties in saudi formal twitter accounts» (Mashael Alrajhi, University Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)

«Dialectology as engaged humanities using the example of the NINJAL’s response to 2011 Tohoku earthquake» (Hanna Jaskiewicz, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan)


-The aim of the journal DIALECTOLOGIA is to join the experiences of researchers working in different fields of Dialectology (linguistic variation, geolinguistics, methodology, synchronic and diachronic dialectal data, new technologies, social dialectology, etc).
-It is a double-blind external peer-reviewed journal, published twice yearly, that complies with the norms of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT).
-Each issue features 4/6 previously unpublished articles on original topics relating to linguistic variation.
-It includes also book reviews and news about congresses, meetings and recent publications.
-Original papers will be evaluated within a period of three months.
-The journal does not charge fees to authors either for processing (APC) or for the publication of articles.
-The author will remain owner of the intellectual property of the works, however access to them is totally open and free, so they can be reproduced in whole or in part with the only limitation of recognizing the authorship and the source of publication ("Dialectologia. Revista electrònica"), provided that such exploitation is not of a commercial nature.