Winter 2020
Number 24



15th Cambridge Italian Dialect Syntax-Morphology Meeting
Helsinki, Finland
03-Jun-2020 - 05-Jun-2020

Sociolinguistics of Language Endangerment 6 (SoLE6)
Bangkok, Thailand
22-Jul-2020 - 23-Jul-2020

Methods in Dialectology XVII (Methods XVII)
JGU Mainz
03-Aug-2020 - 07-Aug-2020

3rd International Conference on Sociolinguistics (ICS.3
Prague, Czech Republic
26-Aug-2020 - 28-Aug-2020


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-The aim of the journal DIALECTOLOGIA is to join the experiences of researchers working in different fields of Dialectology (linguistic variation, geolinguistics, methodology, synchronic and diachronic dialectal data, new technologies, social dialectology, etc).
-It is a double-blind external peer-reviewed journal, published twice yearly, that complies with the norms of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT).
-Each issue features 4/6 previously unpublished articles on original topics relating to linguistic variation.
-It includes also book reviews and news about congresses, meetings and recent publications.
-Original papers will be evaluated within a period of three months.
-The journal does not charge fees to authors either for processing (APC) or for the publication of articles.
-The author will remain owner of the intellectual property of the works, however access to them is totally open and free, so they can be reproduced in whole or in part with the only limitation of recognizing the authorship and the source of publication ("Dialectologia. Revista electrònica"), provided that such exploitation is not of a commercial nature.