Winter 2019
Number 22

Table of contents

Forthcoming papers

«Fonética y morfosintaxis del vernáculo de la Sierra de Francia (sur de Salamanca). Una aproximación histórica y sociolingüística» (Gonzalo Francisco Sánchez, Universidad de Mons)

«Dialectos menospreciados en un manual de dialectología. Análisis crítico de algunos trabajos recogidos en Alvar (1996)» (Víctor M. Longa, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)

«La operación del cártel de Sinaloa y la transformación de la narcolengua en el noroeste de México» (Rafael Saldívar Arreola. Universidad Autónoma de Baja California)

«Future & tense form in the Prizren-Timok dialect of Serbian» (Aleksandar Novakovic & Violeta Stojicic, University of Niš,)

«The Complexity of Phonological Change in South Halmahera Languages» (Burhanuddin, Sumarlam & Mahsun, Indonesia)

«Dos patrones del leísmo en el español de Azogues, Ecuador: un análisis basado en datos recogidos de facebook messenger» (Jordan Lavender, University of Albany)

Delateralisation in Arabic and Mehhri (Munira A. Al-Azraqi, Universty of Dammam, Saudi Arabia)

«Substantiating Tabari Regional Dialects in central-eastern Alborz via Aggregate Analysis of word Pronunciations» (Sayfolah Mollaye, Payame Noor University, Iran)

«“Chaining.” Studies of the Conceptualization of Genuine Concepts of Linguistic Communication in the Roots of the Proto-language-Thesaurus and Reflexes Across Language Families» (Fee-Alexandra Haase)

«Linguistic Gender-Based Variations in Bani Buhair Dialect» (Muteb Alqarni, King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia)

«Linguistic and non-linguistic factors affecting intelligibility across closely related varieties in Pentecost island, Vanuatu» (Charlotte Gooskens & Cindy Schneider, University of Groningen / University of New England, Australia)

«El deísmo en oraciones copulativas identificativas» (Edita Gutierrez, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)

«New Linguistic Evidence In Favor Of Bangkalan Contradics Sumenep As The Madurese Language Homeland» (Agusniar Dian Savitri, State University of Surabaya, Indonesia)

Is Erohwa still alive? (Philip Ekiugbo, University of Benin, Nigeria)

La dimensión rural-urbana en un cambio lingüístico en curso en la entonación del catalán de Menorca (Paolo Roseano, Ignasi Mascaró, Wendy Elvira-García, Ana Ma. Fernández Planas)

An experimental investigation of variation in Spanish diminutives (David Eddington, Brigham Young University, Utah)

El voseo en Medellín, Colombia: Un rasgo dialectal distintivo de la identidad paisa (Diana Fernandez, University of Western Ontario, Canada)

Identity and discursive practices of Friulians and Slovenes in the province of Udine, Italy in recent decades (Danila Zuljan Kumar, Institut of Slovenian Language Fran Ramovš)

A Linguistic Study of Manipulative Advertising Strategies of the Mobile Network Operators in Egypt and the US. Comparative Approach (Ahmad Abdel Tawwab Sharaf Eldin (Menoufia University, Egypt)

Investigating the faithfulness requirement of roots: evidence from Malay dialects (Sharifah Raihan Syed Jaafar, National University of Malaysia)

Socio-political language use and Yorùbá protest songs: A stylistic approach (Dayo Sam, School of Language, Lagos)

Transmission of Hakka traditional knowledge from two revitalization projects in Thailand: What did they achieve? (Siripen Ungsitipoonporn, Mahidol University, Thailand)

Variation of Lexical Items and the Changing Need of Identity Projection: A Study on Mappila Malayalam (Thapasya Jayaraj, Indian Institute of Technology Madras)

Phonological and functional analysis of diminutive marker -waa in Magahi (Sweta Sinha, Indian Institute of Technology Patna)


-The aim of the journal DIALECTOLOGIA is to join the experiences of researchers working in different fields of Dialectology (linguistic variation, geolinguistics, methodology, synchronic and diachronic dialectal data, new technologies, social dialectology, etc).
-It is a double-blind external peer-reviewed journal, published twice yearly, that complies with the norms of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT).
-Each issue features 4/6 previously unpublished articles on original topics relating to linguistic variation.
-It includes also book reviews and news about congresses, meetings and recent publications.
-Original papers will be evaluated within a period of three months.
-The journal does not charge fees to authors either for processing (APC) or for the publication of articles.
-The author will remain owner of the intellectual property of the works, however access to them is totally open and free, so they can be reproduced in whole or in part with the only limitation of recognizing the authorship and the source of publication ("Dialectologia. Revista electrònica"), provided that such exploitation is not of a commercial nature.