Rights and Freedoms. Cases
Mar Aguilera Vaqués
What guarantees of rights and freedoms exist? Who enjoys them?
Before whom? Why should one right prevail over another? What
elements must be taken into account? This volume compiles thirteen
representative cases that highlight some of the fundamental
rights and freedoms recognized in the Spanish Constitution,
such as the principle of equality, the right to freedom of expression
and the right to honour, and considers the above questions.
Cross-cutting issues are also presented, alongside relevant decisions
and final judgments. The study of these cases has a twofold
purpose: to raise awareness of the rights and freedoms recognized
in the Magna Carta and in the European Convention on
Human Rights, and to develop the tools needed to argue on the
basis of legal notions and to cultivate a critical approach toward
the law, constitutional interpretation and, ultimately, society as a