Pedagogic Innovations with the use of ICTS. From wider visions and policy reforms to school culture
Matèria: Ciències de l’educació
Pàgines: 108
ISBN: 978-84-475-2808-0
Data d’edició: 2005

Pedagogic Innovations with the use of ICTS. From wider visions and policy reforms to school culture
Andreas Kollias,Kathy Kikis
The overall purpose of this work is to contribute to the strengthening of links, collaboration and the development of shared understanding and action among teachers, researchers, administrators and policy makers in the design, implementation and diffusion of pedagogic innovations with the use of new information and communication technologies (ICTs). The ideas that will be discussed in this book emerged during our involvement in a number of research and development (R&D) projects on ICTs-related innovations in the field of education and training and our collaboration with research institutes, universities, schools, teachers and pupils from several EU countries. What motivated us most to elaborate on these ideas was our concern about what happens after an R&D project in schools has been formally completed. Will the involved schools, teachers and pupils continue and extend the ICTs-related innovative practices developed during the project? Will other schools, local and regional school administrators get to know them and, more importantly, will they integrate them in their own school development plans? How the outcomes of ICTs-related innovations can inform decision making regarding the integration of ICTs in schools? By take a constructive route, the book tries to identify and investigate factors, conditions and processes that may play a potentially crucial role in the conductivity (or, apparently, the lack of conductivity) of schools to ICTs-related pedagogic innovations.
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