1996 - No. 1


Colonial History & Anglo-American tension in 1939: Allegheny Uprising & Drums along the Mohawk

K. R. M. Short

Historia USA



Compromiso social

Allegheny Uprising

Drums along the Mohawk


Vietnam en el cine: cuatro visiones de un mismo infierno

Fernando Trullols

Historia USA

Guerra Vietnam

El Cazador (The Deer Hunter)

Michael Cimino

Apocalypse Now

Francis Ford Coppola

La chaqueta metálica (Full Metal Jacket)

Stanley Kubrick


Oliver Stone


Cinematic Contextual History of High Noon (1952, dir. Fred Zinnemann)

J. M. Caparrós-Lera & Sergio Alegre

Historia USA


High Noon (Solo ante el peligro)

Fred Zinnemann

Caza de brujas

Stanley Kubrick

HUAC (House on Un-American Activities Committe)